❤️ Are you afraid to fail?

Happy High Noon (EST). The Open Journal series is LIVE in this newsletter. Keep the questions and stories coming by commenting on our satisfactory poll.

Today’s Topics:

  • Is this getting in your way?: Fear of failure.

  • Open Journal: long-term goals.

  • Tidbits & Recipes: Fall-inspired skillet.

  • Did You Know: Be around the right people.

Fear of failure getting in your way?

Do you see it?

Have you ever avoided doing something because you were afraid to fail? Or maybe you don't even know you're avoiding it.

We've all experienced failure before and it’s not fun. But what if we chose to learn from it instead of looking at it like it's proof we suck?

The problem is, you might not know the fear of failure is what's holding you back. So take some time to reflect on the different areas of your life. Do you see any patterns?

Are any of these 5 symptoms you?:

  1. Avoid trying new things.

  2. Procrastination.

  3. Not following through with goals.

  4. Perfectionism.

  5. Low self-esteem.

If you said yes to any of those, think about what you’re missing out on. I mean, what if Michael Jordan stopped playing basketball after being cut from his high school team? We def wouldn’t be considering him the best player of all time

So how can you overcome it?

  • Accept failure as normal.

  • Look at the worst-case scenario.

  • Think about the cost of not trying.

  • Find a supportive group.

  • Do it anyway.

Overcoming the fear of failure is a must for personal growth. So challenge yourself to try something new this weekend especially if it feels scary! Watch this quick Tony Robbins video on getting over your fear to fail.

Open Journal

Q: I'm so glad you talked about goal setting in today's bite (this is the one being referred to). I have really been struggling lately with setting long-term goals for 1, 2, or even 5 years down the road because my brain is hardwired to focus only on failing. I don't have a problem setting short-term goals, how do I extend that to long-term without feeling overwhelmed

A: This question is gold. I think the key here is fear of failure! We all have it and it’s human nature. I challenge you to look at that fear differently. It’s a sign of growth so how can it serve you? I’ve failed SOO many times, and yeah it stings, but you only fail if you don’t learn from it! What I love about long-term goals is they can evolve and change. It's okay to adjust and adapt your goals.

Learn to Scramble Well(ness):

While eating your lunch, waiting for your lunch, or letting go of your lunch, try our wellness-themed word scramble. It's one word a day, and you can find the answer at the bottom of this newsletter - good luck!


Did You Know? Like Really Know…

Have you ever gone to work with a goal of having a positive attitude? You do great for a couple hours. But before you know it, you're sitting with your co-workers complaining about how crappy work is. And at the end of the day, you're disappointed with yourself for jumping into the negativity.

Well, the saying "you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with" has truth to it.

The people you spend time with affect your mindset, behavior, and success. Surrounding yourself with positive, motivated, and supportive people can inspire you to be your best.

On the flip side, being around negative people and hinder progress and even lower your self-esteem. So choose a supportive circle. And if you have to be around people who are negative, be the positive energy they need.

Tidbits & Recipes:

Try this fall-inspired skillet recipe with apples! If you’re sick of all these fall recipes, sorry not sorry! Not only are apples high in fiber, but they also contain vitamin C which helps boost your immune system.

But did you know vitamin C helps with collagen production too? Hello, glowing skin! Maybe we should switch the saying to an apple a day to keep the wrinkles away!

Today’s Top Workout Song on Spotify

Scramble Answer:



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