❤️ Stability vs. Dynamic

A daily dose of wellness news, research and trends delivered to your inbox.

Happy High Noon (EST). The most common goals are exercising more, eating healthier, and losing weight. Roughly 70 percent fail. Keeping wellness top-of-mind helps a ton - that's why we are here ✉️ (plus free workouts on Tuesdays & Thursdays).

Today’s Topics:

  • Weekend Warrior: Guide to heart-healthy living

  • Stability vs. Dynamic: What's the deal?

  • Did You Know: Engaging your core.

  • Tell Friends ➡️ Get Prizes: new referral sticker pack is here.

WOW Headlines:

There is a lot going on in the world of wellness (WOW) and it’s impossible to keep up. We searched the internet for interesting things and our favorites of the day.

Ready, set, go (insert Mario Kart start sound effect):

The Weekend Warrior's Guide to Heart-Healthy Living

Finding time to exercise during the week is exhausting.

You've got work, practices, games, making supper (this list is giving me anxiety).

We know we should get 150 minutes of mod activity every week, but damn that never happens.

Good news, weekend warriors.

Cramming 2.5 hours of activity on the weekend can be as good for your heart as spreading it out over the week.

Before you stop working out during the week, don't forget about the importance of recovery.

You may be putting yourself at risk for overuse injuries.

If weekends are the only way to get 150 minutes in try lower-impact options like swimming.

Stability vs. Dynamic Core Exercises: What's the Deal?

Core stability is everything when it comes to preventing injuries and moving.

Think of your body as a bike chain, all the links need to be in line for it to work right. (we've all had to walk our bikes home before).

So what's the difference between core stability and dynamic exercises?

Stability exercises need minimal movement. If ya can't turn on your core during these exercises, it's gonna be harder when moving.

Don't worry you're not alone.

Check out this vid and notice the coning/doming.

Is this you?

if so, stick with core stability before progressing. When you get your form down, you can include more dynamic exercises.—Think ball crunches.

Here's an example of how you can progress your ab workouts:

  1. Tabletops

  2. Bridging

  3. Heel slides

  4. Quadruped arm lifts

  5. Quadruped leg lifts

  6. Ball crunches

Learn to Scramble Well(ness):

While eating your lunch, waiting for your lunch, or letting go of your lunch, try our wellness-themed word scramble. It's one word a day, and you can find the answer at the bottom of this newsletter - good luck!


Did You Know? Like Really Know…

Bringing your belly button to your spine isn't enough to engage your core.

By sucking in, you won't engage your deep core muscles and will put your body in an unnatural posture.

Instead, think of using your rib cage and diaphragm with your pelvic floor.

Here are some cues to help with this:

  1. Breathe in - rib cage expands out. Breathe out - rib cage comes down and in.

  2. Draw up and in through your pelvic floor (like your sucking up a blueberry). —too much? 😉 

  3. Hip bone to hip bone stays flat.

Today’s Top Workout Song on Spotify

Scramble Answer:


Did ya get it right? If not, there’s always tomorrow’s newsletter.


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