💜 Improve your mood - PMS edition

Happy High Noon (EST). We hope you are enjoying the Back to Routine program. Get ready for Phase 2 soon! Remember to submit your questions for the open journal section in our satisfactory survey.

Let’s dig into today’s bite:

  • Period pain be gone: endorphin hit.

  • Open Journal: should I be cycle syncing?

  • Tidbits & Recipes: Must make 4-ingredient chocolate

  • Did You Know: leak-proof panties

Period pain be gone

Are you tired of cramps, bloating, and mood swings before your period? What if you could alleviate your PMS symptoms in a natural way?

Exercise is the answer you've been looking for, but prob didn’t want to hear! Studies have shown that regular physical activity can improve PMS symptoms like cramps, bloating, irritability, and fatigue.

Try going for a walk or pop on a quick low-impact workout (bonus points if it's for me). The feel-good endorphins will help reduce the pain and improve your mood.

Take control of your PMS symptoms and move. Always remember, something is better than nothing.

Open Journal

Q: Should I be changing my workouts on my period? I've heard a lot about cycle syncing.

A: First off, thanks for the inspo for the topic today! There's no one-size-fits-all answer, some women find that adjusting their workouts during their menstrual cycle can help, others don’t.

Research suggests that in the luteal phase (starts after ovulation and ends right before your period), you may benefit from low-impact workouts. And in the follicular phase (after your period ends), you might have a higher tolerance for high-intensity workouts.

If you follow a low-impact workout plan, you don't really have to worry about switching it up. It's more important to listen to your body and do what feels best for you.

Learn to Scramble Well(ness):

While eating your lunch, waiting for your lunch, or letting go of your lunch, try our wellness-themed word scramble. It's one word a day, and you can find the answer at the bottom of this newsletter - good luck!


Did You Know? Like Really Know…

Have you heard of period underwear?

Probably will now, but they're designed to give you leak-proof protection during your period.

Where was this in my middle school days when I had to wrap a sweatshirt around my waist? OMG, I remember counting down the minutes to get on the bus to go home. My anxiety is through the roof just thinking about it.

Anyway, some even have different absorbency levels. To be honest, I haven't tried them and think I would use them more as a backup plan.

Would love to hear from anyone who's used them.

Tidbits & Recipes:

Idk about you but when I’m about to get my period, I want all the chocolate.

Make this 4 ingredient chocolate dessert and keep it in the freezer for later. It’s all about balance people!

Today’s Top Workout Song on Spotify

Scramble Answer:



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