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- ❤️ Gotta dead butt?
❤️ Gotta dead butt?

A daily dose of wellness news, research, and trends delivered to your inbox.
Happy High Noon (EST). The most common goals are exercising more, eating healthier, and losing weight. Roughly 70 percent fail. Keeping wellness top-of-mind helps a ton - that's why we are here ✉️ (plus free workouts on Tuesdays & Thursdays).
Today’s Topics:
Bye Bye Dead Butt: What’s dormant butt syndrome?
Did You Know: Improve muscle activation before your workout
Flobody 9: free workout of the day.
WOW Things:

There is a lot going on in the world of wellness (WOW) and it’s impossible to keep up. We searched the internet for interesting things and our favorites of the day.
Ready, set, go (insert Mario Kart start sound effect):
Bye Bye Dead Butt: Overcome Dormant Butt Syndrome

Gotta dead butt?
Dormant Butt Syndrome happens when your glutes are weak and aren't activating right.
Usually caused by sitting for too long. When you sit a lot, your hip flexors tighten up preventing your glutes from firing on correctly.
Weak glutes can show up through back, hip, or knee pain.
How can you fix it?
-Avoid prolonged sitting
-Target the glutes
Here are some glute exercises you can do at home:
Glute bridges
Donkey kicks
Hip hinge
Free Workout Thursday
Let’s get sweaty. See what the free workout of the day is on Flobody 9 here.
Learn to Scramble Well(ness):
While eating your lunch, waiting for your lunch, or letting go of your lunch, try our wellness-themed word scramble. It's one word a day, and you can find the answer at the bottom of this newsletter - good luck!
Did You Know? Like Really Know…
You can improve your muscle activation before your workout.
What is muscle activation?
Your muscles' ability to turn on and work.
It has nothing to do with strength or endurance.
So if you can get your glutes to fire on before your workout, it's going to help you build strength.
Correct muscle activation also reduces the risk of injury.
So before you go into bridges, contract the glute in isolation.
Get in your bridge starting position. Press your heels into the floor. Focus on squeezing your glutes and holding. Do this without bringing your hips off the floor.
Could you feel your glutes firing on?
Today’s Top Workout Song on Spotify
Scramble Answer:
Did ya get it right? If not, there’s always tomorrow’s newsletter.