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why collagen is your body's best friend.

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Happy High Noon (EST). Nearly 70 percent of people need support in staying committed to their wellness journey. With our daily newsletter, you'll receive helpful tips, interesting facts, expert advice, energizing studies, and even some gut-busting mom jokes. Plus free workouts on Tuesdays & Thursdays.

Today’s Topics:

  • Post-Workout Protein: Timing matters

  • Did You Know: Collagen is your friend.

Post-Workout Protein: Timing Matters

About a year ago, I started realizing that I was feeling super drained after filming my workout sessions. It was affecting my personal life too because I wasn’t really playing with the kids. At first, I thought it was because I was filming multiple workouts, but then I really paid attention to what was going on

Ever felt exhausted after a workout and feel like all you can do is lay on the couch?

I decided to do something about it. I started taking protein right after my filming sessions.

After just a few days, I noticed a difference - I wasn't feeling as exhausted anymore and could actually spend more time playing with my kids even after a long day.

Eating protein after your workout doesn't just help with fatigue, but there's a ton of other benefits.

5 benefits of eating protein after your workout:

  1. Rebuild and repair your muscle tissues

  2. Muscle growth

  3. Boost your metabolism

  4. Supports weight loss

  5. Prevent Injuries

When's the best time for protein after a workout?

-For resistance training, aim to get it in as close to your workout as possible.

-For lighter cardio, try to eat within the hour.

Post-workout protein meal ideas:

  • Chicken with sauteed veggies

  • Egg and veggie skillet

  • Salmon and sweet potato

  • Protein shake

Try to consume as much of your protein through your food. If you don't have enough time or struggle to get enough protein, protein shakes are a great supplement.

-Janie Kokakis

Learn to Scramble Well(ness):

While eating your lunch, waiting for your lunch, or letting go of your lunch, try our wellness-themed word scramble. It's one word a day, and you can find the answer at the bottom of this newsletter - good luck!


Did You Know? Like Really Know…

Over 4 million sold

Collagen is essential for healthy skin, joints, and bones, but most collagen supplements on the market are made from animal byproducts and contain artificial ingredients. At NativePath, they believe in sourcing only the best ingredients for their products, and that’s why they offer a collagen powder that’s truly native—or as close to nature as humanly possible.

By adding collagen powder to your daily routine, you can experience a range of benefits, including improved skin elasticity, joint health, and bone strength. With 18 grams of protein per serving, their collagen powder also supports muscle growth and maintenance, keeping you feeling energized and strong throughout the day.

Today’s Top Workout Song on Spotify

Scramble Answer:


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